Schooling Instructions
Schooling Days & Times:
All shows will have Friday afternoon schooling available prior to the show from 2:00pm-7:00pm. Information on signing up for Friday afternoon schooling will be in the show's Prize List.
Day of Show schooling is available Saturday morning from 7:00am-8:00am. There will be two schooling sessions in the ring.
Session 1: 7:00am-7:45am for all riders.
Session 2: 7:45am-8:00am for X-Rail Division entries ONLY.
Sign-up for a schooling time slot is with the secretary or schooling supervisor on a first come basis at the show only. An entry must be registered and number received to school. Number is worn by rider to school.
Start and end times of schooling slot to be governed by schooling supervisor.
Schooling Fees:
All riders using the show grounds to school on Friday will be charged a fee:
Riders Pre-Registered for the Show the Following Day: $15
Riders Not Pre-Registered for the Show the Following Day: $20 (due before schooling)
There is no fee for Day of Show schooling.
Schooling Rules:
No more than 8-10 riders will be allowed in the ring at any time. Each group will be limited to 10-15 minutes in the ring as numbers and time allow. The number of riders in the ring may be changed at show management or schooling supervisor's discretion.
A whistle may be used to indicate a dangerous situation– if the whistle is blown, riders are to walk or halt and await further instructions.
Not all jumps in the ring will be available for schooling. Jumps will only be available to jump on one direction.
Jumps being used for schooling in the ring will be marked, and are to be jumped with a red flag/marker on the right, a white flag/marker on the left.
Other Show Day Schooling Options:
Management will have at least two warm-up jumps set up outside the ring for competitors' use.
Exhibitors are encouraged to enter the Warm Up Class for their division. The Warm Up is a non-judged round run before the first class in each Hunter division. Warm Up Classes are available for all Hunter divisions starting with the 18' height.