Volunteer with AHJA
To be eligible for year-end awards, competing members must contribute a minimum of four volunteer hours during the show year. These volunteer hours may be completed by the member or by someone in the member's family. We will train you for the position if needed, and no prior experience (or horse experience) is necessary.
The following positions are available for each show. We need one person to fill each position per division.
Announcer (announce entrants, results, and judge's instructions, etc)
In-Gate/Order of Go (keep track of class lists and order of go, let entrants know when it's their turn to enter the arena, radio entry numbers to announcer, etc)
Gate Opener/Jump Crew Leader (open and close the in-gate as horses enter and exit the arena, re-set any jumps that are knocked down during rounds or designate to someone else, etc)
Ribbon Table (receive results from show office, label ribbons with winner numbers, hand out ribbons and prizes, etc)
Runner (run score cards and results pages between the judge's booth, the show office, and the ribbon table; run entry lists between the show office and in-gate, etc)
Please contact Ann Edgmon, AHJA Volunteer Committee Chairman at ann.kiddy@gmail.com or 501-920-6589 to schedule your volunteer opportunity.
We also need help thorough-out the show day adjusting the jump heights between divisions. This "jump crew/height change" position does not require signing up in advance and will earn you 10 minutes of volunteer time per height change.
Please note, we schedule volunteer slots by division because we usually cannot predict what time each division will start and end. We recommend that competing riders not sign up for a volunteer slot for the division before or after the division they're showing in, as that time will probably be needed to tack up/warm up or untack/cool down.