2024 Show Divisions

Hunter Divisions

POLES ON THE GOUND: Restricted to junior or adult riders with 0-2 years of showing experience. If the rider has shown for 2 years in the division, or ever shown higher than X-Rails at any show, they are not eligible to compete in this division. The rider may only cross enter into the X- Rail Rider Division. Trotting on course is permitted and will not be penalized. Course is constructed of poles on the ground. Division consists of three classes judged on equitation - two over poles and one flat class. Flat class is walk trot only.

X-RAIL RIDER: Restricted to junior or adult riders with 0-2 years of showing experience. If the rider has shown for 2 years in the division, or ever shown higher than 18” at any show, they are not eligible to compete in this division. The rider may cross enter into the Poles On the Ground Division or 18" Beginner Rider Division, but not both. Trotting on course is permitted and will not be penalized. Fence height is not to exceed 18”. Under Saddle class will be Walk/Trot only. Division consists of five classes: Hunter Over Fences x2, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Under Saddle, and Equitation on the Flat. A simple course with one change of direction.

18” BEGINNER RIDER: Restricted to junior or adult riders with 0-3 years of showing experience in this division. If the rider has shown for 3 years in the division, or ever shown higher than 2’ at any show, they are not eligible to compete in this division. The rider may cross enter into any division where jumps do not exceed 2’. Trotting on course is permitted but cantering is encouraged. Fence height is 18". No combinations or oxers. Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot only. Division consists of five classes: Hunter Over Fences x2, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Under Saddle, and Equitation on the Flat.

2’ GREEN HORSE: Restricted to horses/ponies with 0-2 years of showing experience. If the horse has shown for 2 years in the division, or ever shown higher than 2’3”, they are not eligible to compete in this division. The horse/pony may cross enter into divisions with a fence height not exceeding 2’3”. Fence height 2’. No combinations or oxers. Under Saddle class will be Walk/Trot/Canter. Division consists of four classes: Hunter Over Fences x3 and Hunter Under Saddle.

2’ LIMIT RIDER: Restricted to junior or adult riders who have never shown any horse/pony over 2'3". If the rider has shown any horse/pony over 2'3" at any time, they are not eligible to compete in this division. The rider may cross enter into any divisions with a fence height not exceeding 2’3”.
Fence height 2’. No combinations or oxers. Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot/Canter.
Division consists of five classes: Hunter Over Fences x2, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Under Saddle, and Equitation on the Flat.

2’ THOROUGHBRED HUNTER: Open to junior or adult riders riding TIP eligible Thoroughbreds. No other restrictions.
Fence height 2’. No combinations or oxers. Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot/Canter.
Division consists of four classes: Hunter Over Fences x3 and Hunter Under Saddle.

2’3” SCHOOLING: Open to horses/ponies ridden by juniors or adults not restricted by another division at the same show.
Fence height 2’3”. No combinations. Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot/Canter.
Division consists of five classes: Hunter Over Fences x2, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Under Saddle, and Equitation on the Flat.

2’’6” & 2’9” PROGRESSIVE: Open to horses/ponies ridden by juniors or adults not restricted by another division at the same show.
Fence height 2’6” or 2’9”.Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot/Canter.
Division consists of five classes: Hunter Over Fences x2, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Under Saddle, and Equitation on the Flat. All over fence classes must be performed at the same height for each show. If a rider is showing more than one horse in the division, the combination can show either height but it must be same height for each over fence class per show.

2’6" THOROUGHBRED HUNTER: Open to junior or adult riders riding TIP eligible Thoroughbreds. No other restrictions.
Fence height 2’6". Under Saddle classes will be Walk/Trot/Canter.
Division consists of four classes: Hunter Over Fences x3 and Hunter Under Saddle.

With the exception of TIP Divisions, each horse/rider combo may only cross enter into divisions with fence heights of a three inch difference. This includes the Under Saddle classes.

Jumper Divisions


Sec. 1 (First round) - Classes scored on Faults and Time. The first round is decided by adding together the faults incurred over the course and any penalties for exceeding the Time Allowed. Horses with clear rounds or equal faults remain equal.

Sec. 2 (b) (Second Round) - The first round and first jump-off, if any, are decided by adding together the faults incurred over the course and any penalties for exceeding the Time Allowed. If a competitor has gone clear in the first round, the competitor will, without leaving the ring, upon an audible signal, commence the designated jump-off course. A competitor with a clear round may dismount, and with assistance if necessary, adjust tack and/or equipment; however, upon the audible signal to begin their round, the competitor is responsible to adhering to the 45 seconds. In case of a fall of a Rider and/or Horse after crossing the finish line of the first round, the Rider/Horse combination may not continue to the jump-off, and will be placed according to their Score in the first round. A competitor who leaves the arena after a clear round (before or after the tone) will be considered to have withdrawn from the jump-off. If there are no clear rounds and a tie exists for first place, the results will be determined by the scores and time from that round.

HOPEFUL JUMPER- Optimum Time- Open to horses/ponies ridden by juniors or adults not restricted by another division at the same show. Fence height 2’6”-2’9”. Division consists of two classes: Table II sec. 1 and sec. 2B – if a horse is clear in the first round, they move directly to the jump-off (without leaving the arena). Fastest clear round wins, followed by next fastest, etc.


2'6" THOROUGHBRED JUMPER: Open to junior or adult riders riding TIP eligible Thoroughbreds not restricted by another division at the same show. Fence height 2’6”-2’9”. Division consists of two classes: Table II sec. 1 and sec. 2B – if a horse is clear in the first round, they move directly to the jump-off (without leaving the arena). Fastest clear round wins, followed by next fastest, etc.


LOW SCHOOLING JUMPER-Optimum Time- Table IV.1 : Open to horses/ponies ridden by juniors or adults not restricted by another division at the same show. Fence height 2’9”-3’. Division consists of two classes:Table II sec. 1 and sec. 2B – if a horse is clear in the first round, they move directly to the jump-off (without leaving the arena). Fastest clear round wins, followed by next fastest, etc.

Jumper riders may cross enter into any jumper class at any height.

**If rider/horse is not eligible to enter a certain division but would like to ride for training purposes, they are welcome to ride for the cost of the normal entry fees but the ride must be “UNJUDGED”.**